“ I have spent the past 30+ years growing as a custom woodworker here in my native low country. I have learned many things in that time about the art of taking a living resource out of the forest and transforming it into a usable creation that,  in some cases may end up  being appreciated by many generations of people into the future.  

The possibilities are endless with wood as a medium and ideas are limited only by the inspiration of the maker and their experience. My mission statement/goal in beginning Carolina Sawyers is pretty straightforward. I would like to use my woodworking experience to find “the story” within the tree of the many rings/years of life  and connect the beauty of that story with people who will appreciate it so the story may live on. I want to inspire the artisans that will connect with their craft the life story of the tree with the life story of their patrons. I believe these connections will strengthen the respect for the circle or “ring” if you will, of sustainable forestry that we as well as these trees deserve.

This life and times we live in moves fast and these stories can all too quickly be overshadowed by the computers and machines of progress. The circle that I look to promote and be a part of, represents more than a table or chair. It is the cycle of life itself. Respecting a mighty tree that has grown from a seed from the earth, by using its years of life “rings” to build some inspiring object that will be appreciated by someone-indefinitely into the future-  brings the admirer closer to the phrase “the circle of life”. This  process that transforms a living tree into the form in front of the admirer is what allows that person to be included in that circle.

The act of admiring that artisan’s creation, that is  showcasing  the years of fighting to the top of the forest canopy for the life giving  sunlight, and standing strong against the cold winds of winter, and growing deep into the dirt in search of water, supporting the life that lives in its branches-the very act of admiring that creation- connects them to the circle of life that represents our own fight for survival in this world.

 I bring passion and respect to my work as a sawyer and I play my small part in the “ring“ with pride and honor. I will work hard to bring that attention to your passion. “

Who We Are

A team of dedicated, experienced, enthusiastic wood builders who turned to custom milling as a way to ensure the quality lumber needed in wooden products today.

Located in South Carolina, we know the wood species available and we know the growing need for lumber and slabs in the area.

With backgrounds in all things wood, marine carpentry, construction, building, and finance, the team at Carolina Sawyers intends to be your “go to” supplier of milled lumbers and custom slabs.